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Work item operations

Work item card descriptions

Workflow board contains all work items currently active for the board as cards in status lanes. These cards show foloowing subset of all information in the work item and visual indicators:

Work item

  1. Date when work item was originally created - if work item has due date assigned for it, the clock symbol is shown in red
  2. Work item's title
  3. Work item's description
  4. Total number of assets (devices) currently associated with the work item
  5. Total number of comments for the work item
  6. Initials for current work item assignee or multiple assignees symbols.
    You can add new assignee to the work item by clicking on plus symbol and choosing additional assignee from the pop-up list
  7. Green border at the bottom of work item signifies work items that has been assigned to user account currently logged on to the Workflow.
    Yellow border at the bottom of work item signifies work items that are owned by user account currently logged on to the Workflow.

Work item content descriptions

You can click on work item shown in the board to open up more details about it, including seeing exactly which environments and devices are listed for it at the moment as well as seeing other information related to its processing.

When work item is opened for viewing, following content and operations are available for it:

Work item

  1. Work item's title
  2. Date when work item was originally created
  3. A due date - if set
  4. Work item's owner
  5. Work item's assignee or multiple assignees
  6. Work item's watchers
  7. Work item's description
  8. Current environments and assets for work item
  9. Automatically kept timeline
  11. Work item status
  12. Action buttons
  13. Comment adding

Following section describes each content in more details, including the permissions granted for different user roles for the board or the work item.


Work item's title (or name) is automatically set based on the rule that has created the work item.

If you want to to change the title for future work items created from the same rule, you will need to edit the rule to set a new title. Changing the title in the rule won't change the title for any existing work items but owners and assignees can change the title for an existing work item in the board by clicking on it and editing the text.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee View/edit
Viewer View

Create date

Date on which the work item was originally created from the rule.

Using this date you can see how long a given work item has existed on the board, as subsequent updates to the work item by its creating rule, such as adding or removing environments or assets, won't change this date.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View
Assignee View
Viewer View

Due date

Optional date by which the work item should be Done.

This date can be set to set deadline by which the work item should have been completed by the assignees to it. If work item is not moved into Done lane by this date, Workflow will automatically send email to all assignees when the date is due. Also, when setting a new due date for work item, assignees will be notified by email about the new due date.

If the due date text is shown in red color, assigned due date for work item has already been exceeded.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee View
Viewer View
Email notifications on change
All assignees

Item owner

A Workflow user account that has been set as owner for the work item.

Upon creating new work item, Workflow automatically assigns one of the users with Owner role to the board as owner for newly created work item. If no user accounts with explicit Owner role is found for board's users, one of the admins is selected and assigned as owner.

Person who is set as owner should be responsible for 1) assigning user or multiple users with Worker role as the assignees for the work item, and 2) overseeing that the work item will be handled by the assignee(s) to the completion.

Any user account with owner role to the board or admin role to the board can click on the Owner initials and change it into a new owner.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee View
Viewer View
Email notifications on change
New owner

Item assignees

A Workflow user account or user accounts that has been set as assignees for the work item.

Owner for the work item can assign any user having Worker role to board as assignee for work item, or later on change and remove the assignees as the situation warrants.

Person who is set as assignee should be responsible for actually doing necessary things to fix whatever issue work item represents on the devices that are listed for it.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee View/remove self/add others
Viewer View
Email notifications on change
New assignees

Item watchers

A Workflow user account or user accounts that has been set themselves as watching the work item's progress.

Any user account having access to the board can elect to add themselves as watcher for any work item, or remove later on from the watchers list. Additionally work item's owner can modify the list of watchers to add or remove any eligible user account.

Watcher list is meant for anyone interested in keeping tabs on the particular work item, even if they are not directly owner or assignee for it, by receiving selected email notifications when the status of the work item changes.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee Add/remove self
Viewer Add/remove self


Work item's description is automatically set based on the rule that has created the work item.

Description is meant for giving more context about the particular matter represented by the work item, besides the short information on the title of the work item.

If you want to to change the description for future work items created from the same rule, you will need to edit the rule to set a new description. Changing the description in the rule won't change the description for any existing work items but owners and assignees can change the description for an existing work item in the board by clicking on it and editing the text.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/edit
Assignee View/edit
Viewer View

Asset appearances

Currently matching list of environments and device assets based on the rule that created (and updates) work item.

This list of asset is automatically updated by the Workflow based on the data synchronized from the Applixure by running the filters set in the rule that is associated with the work item. This matching is done continously on the approximate interval that environment data is updated by the Applixure itself (every two hours) so any changes between the previous matching and latest one will be reflected in the appearances list.

On the work item's main display page only the subset of the assets are shown as there could be multiple hunderds or thousands of devices per environment matching the rule, or large number of environments that has one or more devices matching the rule. To see full listing of all the matching environments and assets within, you can click on the View all (XXX) button on the right-hand side of the appearances list.

This will open a new sub view that displays the full list of matching assets. Asset view shows all assets and are grouped by environment. If the view has more than one environment, then maximum 12 assets are shown first. The list can be expanded to show all assets by clicking the View All text.

Full assets list

Work item split

If the environments and assets list has more than one matching environment - as the default behaviour for Workflow is to aggregate all matching environments for same rule into same work item - you can optionally split out individuAl environments into their own separate work item. This might be desirable in cases where you have different set of assignees that handle the actual work on differing environments (such as particular end-customer organisations in MSP scenarios) as you can then re-assign splitted work item to separate worker or workers from the original work item.

Note that the overall behaviour for aggragating all environments into same work item can be controlled from board-level configuration setting if you want to split all environments to separate work items to begin with.

Once one environment has been split into separate independent work item, Workflow will keep updating that work item based on the originating rule when the situation changes in matched data just as it will for the original work item from where the new work item was split.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/Split
Assignee View
Viewer View


Automatically kept timeline for any changes against the work item during its lifetime.

This timeline will record the history of changes that has been happening against the work item, by either Workflow itself when synchronizing the data and adding or removing environments and assets, or when users have been changing status changes to it.

To see full listing of all the timeline events, you can click on the View all (XXX) button on the right-hand side of the timeline list.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View
Assignee View
Viewer View


Users' free-form comments related to the work item.

This section lists commenting history for the work item. Anybody can add their comment into the comment history for the purposes of passing relevant information between parties handling the work item.

To see full listing of all the comments, you can click on the View all (XXX) button on the right-hand side of the timeline list.

To add new comment, you can write into text field in the bottom of the work item's display and click 'Add'-button to add it to comment history.

Role Permissions
Admin/owner View/add
Assignee View/add
Viewer View/add

Action Buttons

At the top of the Workflow item details view there are action buttons for the basic functions. The displayed functions depend on the user's rights and the status of the item.

Functions are:

  1. Start progress: moves item to In progress state. Visible for items that are assigned to some user and are in some other state than In progress or Done
  2. Mark completed: moves item to Done state. Visible for items that are in some other state than New or Done
  3. Restart: moves item to In progress state. Visible for items that are in Done state
Role Permissions
Admin/owner View
Assignee View